Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Emo day

What is it feels like when your best friend turn you down? Honestly I hate him right now that want to throw eggs at him. How could A simply turn down without considering my feelings? If A want to say No do it in a nice manner. Not saying that since A change to another job, simply sick of his IT skills. Oh please as if you been doing your IT JOB FOR 5 TO 10 YEARS. It even barely hit a year when A start his IT job. I think? Anyway..I thought best friend is there when you needed help. But i was totally wrong...Best part to answer your friend when you don't want to get involve or lazy to help is saying I don't know. Wow isn't it the best answer. I should learn how to say that. A thanks for that line. I don't know. Whatever is, it teaches me a lesson that i will not forget. Thanks for the slap it wakes me up. I will learn to do things on my own without asking A for help. Like what A tell me that I'm depending on Him. Just want to Thanks A for hurting my feeling yesterday. My cheeks sore...


Boracay Philippines.. Beautiful place. But lack of Sun for that week. Plenty of rain.. Lost my visa card.. Beautiful people, white sandy beach and nice food to eat.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Well tioman was a pretty trip. Funny and memorable. Sad to say I was sea sick but the rest of the trip was enjoyable. Oh not to forget Miss Yana and Miss Aidah. Without these gals my trip won't be fun and crazy. Expecially Miss Yana Non stop Nonsense that i love to hear or see what she up to. Next trip to look forward is boracay. And definately i will learn how to dive.... Yahhooo. Here fishy fishy....Think we should give a Nick to our Name. Yana aka Miss Nonsense, Aidah aka Miss Flirty and Liz aka Miss Control Freak. =p