Friday, September 28, 2007

Party Quest- Cabal Day

Yesterday was cabal day. So most of us were wearing the cabal t-shirt.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Banana Pocky On the Rock

Wahaha.Sweet of my mgr to buy me pockey banana. She told me that it's not bad. So I taste it for myself. Smell and taste abit of banana.Whatever is, where on Singapore you can get this type of rare items?....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


At last i got my Rayban shade. Well don't even asked me how much! Heart pain to tell. Most importantly i look absolute gorgeous with this shade on. I just upload a new song. It's Korean and the song is cute. It's the self confidence people. Click on the pic to see other image.

New Enviroment

Just starting working here. Journey took me an hour to reach. But it worth the time. My Manager and colleagues here are fun and crazy. You just keep looking forward to work each day. Previosly i come across a pair of kitten paws. It's belong to my CSO Manager Deon. Nice and funny chap. When he smile at you, you just want to laugh cos he's eyes are so small. Barely can't see. Asked him can i take a pic with the paws. So sweet of his to say yes. Click on the pic to see other images.

Oh Laalaaa Bon Appetite

Soo cheesy and delicieux. It's call Alfredo Lasagne. It contain chicken ham and mushroom in cream sauce. For cheese lover you will love it. There are others pics of food that i just upload, click on the pic and you can see others.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Chocolate Chips

I tried these Chocolate Chips from Royce. Weird taste but kinda get hang of it. You can find the stall in Taka at B1. If im not wrong it's near to Godiva Chocolate Counter. Upcoming Birthday event pictures.